WoW Scanner
Free all in one proximity application [ BAR-CODE, QR-CODE, NFC, BLE-BEACON & ULTRA-SONIC].
One app will perform all types of scanning and writing. This app is specially designed to avoid using multiple apps for scanning and writing the QR/BAR/NFC/BEACON/ULTRA-SONIC.
WOW Scanner Pro is all in one integrated feature app to deal with qr-code, bar-code, ble-bluetooth, nfc, hf-rfid.
User guide is available at below mention location:
- In order to use QR/BAR-CODE Scan feature, your device must have a built-in camera.
- In order to use NFC feature, your device must have a NFC support.
- In order to use BEACON Receiver feature, your device must have a BLE (Bluetooth low energy) hardware support with Android 5 (lollipop) and above.
- In order to use BLE-Beacon-Tx feature, your mobile must have a BLE (Bluetooth low energy) hardware support(Rx+Tx) with Android 6 (marshmallow) and above.
- When you scan any URL that redirect to online content, you may need Internet connectivity.
Privacy Policy:
- "WOW Scanner " does not store any data retrieved from tags on persistent memory without explicit user consent.
- "WOW Scanner " does not transmit any data retrieved from tags across the Internet.
- "WOW Scanner " is thoroughly tested with multiple tags/bar/qrcode/ble-transceiver.
- "WOW Scanner " - Designed & Developed by "DOINFOTECH".
For more details, please visit our website or contact us
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